The Rite of Spring: the sound of the earth is the fascinating title of this concert evoking the primordial forces of the nature-earth. The festival will celebrate this milestone of the millennium that Igor Stravinsky wrote in 1913 which still has such a powerful influence today. Vassily Primakov & Natalia Lavrova will perform a piano four hands version of The Rite of Spring along with music by Mussorgsky and Saint-Saëns.
We invite the audience to arrive at 4:00pm to visit the garden and enjoy the beauty of the natural landscape.
The concert is a 5:00pm outdoors on the main lawn of the Landcraft Garden. You will find chairs on the lawn to listen to the concert. It is highly recommended to bring a hat to cover yourself from the sun while waiting for the sunset and to enjoy listening to the music.
A tasting menu with several bite-sized dishes immediately after the concert will be offered to all concert attendees.
The tasting menu is inspired by the Russian culinary degustation with a focus to the flavors of the earth and culinary art: Whole Smoked Blue Fish Filet, Picked Beets Red Cabbage and Horseradish, Rye Dark Bread, Fresh local Sweet Farm Cheese, Local Farm Butter, Russian salad made of cooked diced potatoes, carrots, string beans in a homemade mayonnaise. Mini Blinis with herring Pâte, Berries and Cream
Music Program
Camille Saint-Saëns
Carnival Of Animals
I. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion
Royal March
II. Hens and Roosters
III. Wild Asses (Swift Animals)
IV. Tortoises
V. The Elephant
VI. Kangaroos
VII. Aquarium
VIII. Characters with Long Ears
IX. The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods
X. Aviary
XI. Pianists
XII. Fossils
XIII. The Swan
XIV. Finale
Modest Mussorgsky
Night on Bald Mountain
Igor Stravinsky
The Rite of Spring
Part I: Adoration of the Earth
The Augurs of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls)
Ritual of Abductions
Spring Rounds (Round Dance)
Ritual of the Two Rival Tribes
Procession of the Oldest and Wisest One (The Sage)
The Kiss of the Earth (Adoration of the Earth, or the Wise Elder)
The Dancing Out of the Earth
Part II: The Sacrifice
Mystic Circle of the Young Girls
The Glorification of the Chosen One
Evocation of the Ancestors (Ancestral Spirits)
Ritual Action of the Ancestors
Sacrificial Dance (the Chosen One)

Date and Time
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Saturday, June 24th, 2023, at 5:00pm
Rain date is scheduled for June 25th at 5:00pm
Landcraft Garden Foundation
4342 Grand Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952
General Audience: $95/person
Friends of Rites of Spring and members of Landcraft Garden: $75/person
Youth under 25 years old: Free ticket