Join us on Sat., Sept. 17 for an exciting Revolutionary War reenactment!
The grounds of the Maple Lane Complex will serve as a living history encampment set up by the reenactors from the Third New York Regiment. The encampment will have tents and everything soldiers would need to live on as they traveled to join up with General Washington and his troops. The reenactors immerse themselves and their visitors in a well-researched experience of what it was like to spend the day in a military encampment. Visitors will experience 18th-century camp life, including demonstrations of firearms, military drills, and other daily tasks. The encampment will be open to visitors from 10am to 4pm.
Admission is free. Donations gladly accepted.
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Sat., Sept. 17 from 10am-4pm
Free. Donations gladly accepted.
Contact Information
Southold Historical Museum
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